Battery Replacement

Battery Replacement


Need a replacement or extra battery for your AT220 Possum and Rat trap? No worries, you can purchase additional batteries right here. 

Depending on a number factors (inc local rat population) our rechargeable battery will last between 3-6 months.

Always carry a fully charged replacement battery when conducting servicing rounds and replace the battery at the same time as you refill the lure.

A USB charger supplied with each trap will recharge the battery over night. Additional USB chargers are also available.


This Trap is Designed to kill the tough NZ possum in one hit, therefore it packs a punch!

The trap default is to deactivate during the day - however whenever the trap is being handled it should be set to 'Off' and deactivated entirely. Caution should be taken when placing traps in populated areas.

Environment... it all adds up

NZ Autotraps was founded to help solve an environmental crisis - The carnage caused to native biodiversity by introduced predators.

As conservationists we are are weary of our own environmental impacts. We endevour to minimise waste with careful product designing and manufacturing systems.

Our traps are build tough and repairable without any disposable parts. Less trap servicing, results in less vehicle movements and less C02! Extending the reliable time between servicing is our unending quest.

We also use non-toxic lure meaning a humane kill.